Book from here IT'S WORTH IT
BEST PRICE guaranteed
You can cancel your booking FREE up to 24 hours in advance
Extra bed for children up to 8 years of age FREE
WELCOME with polesano delicious aperitif.



Book from here
BEST PRICE guaranteed
WELCOME with polesano delicious aperitif.
You can cancel your booking FREE up to 24 hours in advance
Extra bed for children up to 8 years of age FREE


Our address is Via Curicchi 12, 45011 Adria (RO)

Locanda del Musso is in Bottrighe, a fraction of Adria (RO): a strategic position located between Adria, Papozze, Bellombra and Corbola. Our Inn is ideal if your destination is the Po Delta Regional Park with its cycling routes, or the Adria International Raceway.

Vicino Adria

Nearby to:


National Archaeological Museum in Adria (4 km)

Adria Municipal Theatre (3,5 km)

Adria Conservatory(5 km)

Adria Hospital (3 km)

Vicino Delta del Po

Nearby to:

Delta del Po:

Isola di Ariano (13 km)

Via delle Valli (27 km)

Oasi di Panarella (1 km)

San Basilio (11 km)

Coastal Botanic Gardens of Veneto (35 km)

Sacca degli Scardovari (40km)

Scano Boa (45km)

Dintorni Locanda del Musso

Nearby the sea:

Rosolina Mare (30 km)

Sottomarina (35km)

Isola di Albarella (30km)

Isola Verde (30km)

Boccasette (35km)

Vicino a città turistiche

Nearby to:

Tourist cities:

Venice (60km)

Chioggia (35km)

Padua (60km)

Ferrara (50km)

Comacchio (50km)

Verona (100km)

Bologna (100km)

Ravenna (80km)

Este (40km)

Write to us:

You can contact us at the details on this page. Do you need a quote?
You can quickly and easily fill in the form below.

What our guests say about us

Locanda del Musso

Locanda del Musso

Via Curicchi, n.12
45011 Adria (RO) | Italia
P.Iva 01514570298
CIR: 029001-ALT-00001 | 029001-LOC-00016

+39 0426 993054


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